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Sexual Harassment Prevention Training


As of January 1, 2019, California Senate Bill 1343 requires all employers with five or more employees to provide one hour of sexual harassment prevention training to non-management employees and two hours of training to management employees.


As a workplace investigator and attorney experienced in employment matters, Suzanne has extensive experience handling complaints about sexual harassment. Suzanne uses this experience to help educate staff and managers about how to identify and prevent sexual harassment in the workplace. 


During the first hour of the training, Suzanne meets with all staff and managers to discuss sexual harassment, discrimination, retaliation and abusive conduct prevention. This portion of the training includes interactive discussions of hypothetical situations customized to the client’s particular industry and workforce. This interactive approach keeps the audience engaged and interested in the topics discussed. Through these discussions, employees learn and better understand what constitutes sexual harassment so that they can better avoid engaging in such behavior. This portion of the training also empowers employees to take appropriate action if they witness or are the subject of sexual harassment.


As required by California law, the topics covered during the first-hour of the training (with all employees) include, but are not limited to:

  • the legal definition of sexual harassment

  • identifying types of conduct that can be sexual harassment, including practical examples;

  • the remedies available for victims of sexual harassment;

  • strategies to prevent sexual harassment;

  • the employer’s complaint process and other resources for victims of sexual harassment

  • the definition of “abusive conduct” under California law

  • harassment based on gender identity, gender expression, and sexual orientation (including practical examples of each)


During the second half of the training, Suzanne meets with all managers. This portion includes a discussion about managers’ obligations for reporting harassment as well as best practices to prevent harassment from occurring within their teams. During this portion, the managers break into small groups to problem-solve hypothetical scenarios. After the breakout session, the managers reconvene to discuss among the whole group their respective proposed solutions to the hypothetical scenarios. Suzanne works with the client to customize these scenarios for the client’s specific industry and work environment.


The topics covered during the second-hour of the training (with managers only) include, but are not limited to:

  • the elements of an effective anti-harassment policy and how to use it;

  • a supervisor’s duty to report sexual harassment

  • best practices to create a harassment-free work environment

  • breakout groups to discuss customized hypothetical scenarios

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